Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Conner's First Day in Third Grade

My goodness, where does the time go? Conner is 9 and starting third grade. YIKES!!!! She is so excited to have Ms. Robin, because she was her daddy's favorite teacher. She is growing up so fast, I blink and I think she's grown a foot. Here she is cheesing before school. Notice the Joe Jonas bag. According to Conner he is "H - O - T."

Of course Landon had to get in the picture. Hard to believe he will be starting kindergarten next year. Look out South Edmonson the tornado is coming!

Conner and Kimberly before class.

The two partners in crime....Conner and Rachel posing!
They are sitting next to each other right now, but I doubt that will last very long!

It really does seem like yesterday Conner was in Mrs. Lesley's class crying for me not to leave, this year it was "...uh mom, you can go now..."


Wanda May said...

Girl I thought you forgot how to post, it has been so long!!!! She is a cutie, love the "bag". Can't wait till "dirty Santa", only time I get to see ya.
Love ya

Carol said...

Only one more year until 4th grade. I'll keep my fingers crossed !:-)

Michelle said...

I'm crackin' up! You actually thought a "BIG third grader" would want mom to tag along?! HaHa! You know I'm teasing you! I would be right behind Paityn if she weren't 2 classrooms down the hall from me! :-)